Start by XXS with the basic features for card design and printing using predefined templates, signature acquisition, edit view for text data input, database view, barcodes 1D, WIA/TWAIN/DirectShow acquisition, magnetic encoding support, internal document database with photo connection, database table create & edit and browse/find records.
XS adds QR codes, document password protection, production mode and .XLS, .XLSX, .CSV and .TXT data- base connection.
XM adds local MS Access and SQLite connection, photo
on database, FaceCrop tool for face recognition and 2D barcodes .
XL adds ODBC connection, RFID contactless direct encoding, Smartcard direct encoding, Smartcard plugin, Internal and External RFID encoder support, Fingerprint acquisition, multi-layout card designs, auto-print and user allowances.
XXL adds advanced features like DESFire, Web Print Server and Net License up to 16 Pcs in the same sub- net and scope.